
Lena, a stoic, anti-social teenager, survived open heart surgery at ten years old. The life-altering event left her with prominent scars, both external and internal, and some serious emotional baggage.
When Adam shows up and claims her guarded friendship, she's relieved, but also suspicious. Things are going fine - until Adam and his buddy try to kill Lena. Sure, that's not how they describe it. But she's not quite ready to have her soul separated from her body.
Once Lena opens her heart to new people and experiences, death, danger and despair invade every part of her life; including the loss of her favorite teacher, being pursued by hell-hounds, and separation from the family she treasures.
Failing her classes, and feeling lonely and hopeless, Lena abandons school and her once comfortable life for a surprising new friendship; which leads to the discovery of an unexpected ability. Again, disaster soon follows, leaving her to wonder if neither her body, nor her soul, are meant to be a part of this world at all.