Last day to vote
This is it guys. Last day to vote for the cookie group of your choice. Voting ends at midnight tonight Eastern time.
I'm thrilled that I have to state the time zone now because I have gained so many readers and new friends from not only out of state, but out of country. When I decided to write, this is a side benefit that I never considered and I am thrilled to have all of you in my life!
Tomorrow I will be sending out a free copy of "Red Morning Glory" to one lucky winner. As always I will have my hubby draw a name from the entries received. The name will be included in my blog unless the winner prefers I only send them a private message.
Please state that in your email.
And . . . I will reveal who made the batch of winning cookies.
All you have to do is click on the cookie group of your choosing and it will take you to my email. Then just tell me which one you're voting for and I will enter your name in the contest.
Happy New Year and good luck!